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Friday, November 1, 2013

Search index corrupted -Events 74 93 (SharePoint Server 2010)

Alert Name: Search index corrupted
Event ID: 74 and 93
Summary: The key process that drives search crawls and queries is Mssearch.exe. This process hosts the crawl and query components for search.
Symptoms: One or more of the following symptoms might appear:
 Search activities (crawl or query) that involve the query component are stalled.
 One or more of these events might appear in the event log:
 Event ID: 74 Description: <data> An index corruption of type <data> was detected in catalog <data>. Stack trace is <data>.
The system will automatically silently retry to restart the merge. If two events are raised within 30 minutes, you should resolve the problem.

Cause: One or more of the following might be the cause:
 Disk failures are affecting the index files.
 The index is corrupt.

Resolution: Check the disk for corruption
1. On the server listed in the event details, run the Chkdsk command to check the disk for errors.

Resolution: Create a new crawl component
1. On the SharePoint Central Administration Home page, click General Application Settings.
2. On the General Application Settings page, in the Search section, click Farm Search Administration.
3. On the Farm Search Administration page, in the Search Service Applications section, click Modify Topology for the correct Search service application.
4. On the Manage Search Topology page, click New, and then select Crawl Component from the context menu.
5. In the Add Crawl Component dialog box, select the correct farm server and crawl database, and type the location for the index if it is different from the location shown. Click OK.
6. On the Manage Search Topology page, click Apply Topology Changes.

Resolution: Recover the query component from a mirror database
1. If this component is part of a mirror database, follow these steps to enumerate a list of query components, and — from that list — use the correct query component ID to restore the component by using the RequestRecover method.
2. Verify that you meet the following minimum requirements: See Add-SPShellAdmin

3.On the Start menu, click All Programs.
4. Click Microsoft SharePoint 2010 Products.
5. Click SharePoint 2010 Management Shell.
 6. At the Windows PowerShell command prompt, type the following command:
$app = Get-SPEnterpriseSearchServiceApplication "<Name>" $qt = Get-SPEnterpriseSearchQueryTopology -SearchApplication $app -Active $querycomponents = Get-SPEnterpriseSearchQueryComponent -QueryTopology $qt foreach ($qc in $querycomponents) {"Name: " + $qc.Name + " Index Location: " + $qc.IndexLocation + " ID: " + $qc.ID + " State: " + $qc.State}
<Name> is the name of the Search service application given in the event details.

This command produces a list of query components. Find the identity ($qc.ID) of the query component that has the issue. Check the component's State value. You will use this identity in the next step.
7. Using the identity that you found in step 6, use Windows PowerShell to restore the component.

At the Windows PowerShell command prompt, type the following command: $qc = Get-SPEnterpriSesearchQueryComponent -Identity "<ID>" -QueryTopology $qt $qc.RequestRecover()

<ID> is the identity of the query component that you obtained from the list in step 6. 

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