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Thursday, October 31, 2013

Search relegate query component -Event 58 (SharePoint Server 2010)

Alert Name: Search relegate query component
Event ID: 58
Summary: To support high availability, we recommend that multiple query components be created in the same query group. If a query component fails, the Microsoft Search Server 2010 service (OSearch) relegates the operations of the failed component to another query component to continue to serve queries.
Symptoms: Microsoft SharePoint Server 2010 experiences the following symptoms when serving queries:
 Under high query load there may be a decrease in query throughput.
 This event appears in the event log: Event ID: 58 Description: Query component <data> has been taken out of rotation due to this error: <data>. It will be retried in <data> seconds. <data>
The event details identifies the query component as <GUID>-<Query Component number>, for example baebc6d3-4a2e-4584-9ff7-ad8866debe92-query-30. To identify the query component, use the second part, query-30.
Cause: A query component was taken out of rotation for the reason presented in the event error message.
Resolution: Restart the search service
1. Propagation to the affected query component will be automatically retried in the time period given in the event. If the retry attempt fails, stop and restart the Microsoft Search Server 2010 service (OSearch) by opening a Command Prompt window and type net stop osearch14 to stop the search service. Type net start osearch14 to restart the search service.

If failure persists, add a new query component as a mirror in the same query group as the failed query component.
Resolution: Add a new query component
1. On the SharePoint Central Administration Web site, click General Application Settings and in the Search section click Farm-wide Search Dashboard.
2. In the Search Application Topology section find the search application that generated the event, and then click Modify Topology.
3. On the Topology for Search Application: <searchappname> page, select the failed query component from the topology list, and then click Add Mirror.
4. In the Add query component dialog box, select the query server and associated metadata database for the new query component, and then click OK.
5. Click Apply Topology Changes. The changes are processed for the search application and the index is copied from the failed query component to the new query component.
6. Click the failed query component and click Delete.

7. The topology removes the index from the failed query component and deletes the index. 

Search database out of space -Event 52 (SharePoint Server 2010)

Alert Name: Search database out of space
Event ID: 52
Summary: Each search application depends on the following sets of databases for storing a specific type of content:
 One or more search property databases store metadata about the crawled items.
 One or more search crawl databases store information about when and where items were crawled.
 A search administration database stores information that is specific to managing the search application.

Symptoms: As more items are crawled, the size of the property and crawl database increases over time. At some point, Microsoft SharePoint Server 2010 might display the following symptoms:
 The crawl does not progress and seems to stall.
 The crawl logs show no new crawled documents.
 This event appears in the event log: Event ID: 52 Description: The database is out of space. Source:<data> Code:<data> occurred <data> time(s) Description: <data>

Cause: One or more search databases are out of disk space.
Resolution: Check storage space
1. Check the detailed error message for the location and name of the database. Use the following procedure on the server on which the instance of Microsoft SQL Server is running to determine whether the search database has adequate storage space available:
2. Start SQL Server Management Studio.
3. Log on and expand the Databases container.
4. Right-click the name of the database with the issue, and then click Properties.
5. On the General tab, click Size to determine the current file size.

Resolution: Move the search database

 After you create a larger storage space, move the search database to the new location by using the Detach and Attach functions of SQL Server, as described in KB 220071. 

Search gatherer disk is full -Event 23 (SharePoint Server 2010)

Alert Name: Search gatherer disk is full
Event ID: 23
Summary: As the crawler searches content to create an index, it creates files in a temporary location. This temporary location can grow in size over time. The disk where the temporary location is located is running out of space.
Symptoms: Microsoft SharePoint Server 2010 experiences the following symptoms when it crawls content:
 The crawl does not progress and seems to stall.
 The crawl logs show no new crawled documents.
 This event appears in the event log: Event ID: 23 Description: The crawl has been delayed because a disk is full.

Cause: The disk on which the search crawler creates temporary files is running out of space.
Resolution: Free up disk space
 Free up space on the disk on which the crawler creates an index as it searches content.

To free up disk space:
1. Use Disk Cleanup to delete temporary files on the drive where the index files are stored. Use the procedure following this one to determine the location of the index files.

If the temporary files are located on a drive other than the operating system drive (drive C), you must restart the Microsoft Search Server 2010 service (OSearch) to test the performance of the crawler after you delete the temporary files.

MetadataService is unavailable -Event 8088 (SharePoint Server 2010)

Alert Name: Metadata Service is unavailable
Event ID: 8088
Summary: The managed metadata service provides access to one term store and the term sets that it contains, or it provides content types from a content type syndication hub.
Symptoms: One or more of the following symptoms might appear:
 The term store management tool displays an error that indicates that the term store is not available.
 Managed metadata controls and enterprise keyword controls may appear disabled.
 This event might appear in the event log: Event ID: 8088 Description: The Managed Metadata Service '<Service>' is inaccessible.

Cause: This can occur if the server is offline or the managed metadata service is not started or has been disabled. The service might not start if the application pool account does not have sufficient permissions to the term store.
Resolution: Verify the application pool account permissions
1. Verify that the user account that is performing this procedure is a member of the Farm Administrators group.
2. On the Central Administration Home page, click Application Management.
3. On the Application Management page, in the Service Applications section, click Manage service applications.
4. On the Service Applications page, in the Type column, click the managed metadata service application, and then click Properties.
5. In the Create New Managed Metadata Service dialog box, in the Application Pool section, record the name of the application pool and the application pool account name.
6. Click Cancel.
7. Log on as a member of the local Administrators group.
8. In Central Administration, on the Service Applications page, in the Type column, click the managed metadata service application, and then click Permissions.
9. Confirm that the account that you recorded in step 5 has one of the following permissions:
 Read Access to Term Store
 Read and Restricted Write Access to Term Store
 Full Access to Term Store 

InfoPath Forms Services not working due to invalid State Service configuration -Event 7898 (SharePoint Server 2010)

Alert Name: State Service not configured for InfoPath Forms Service
Event ID: 7898
Summary: InfoPath Forms Services is not functional because the Microsoft SharePoint Server State Service configuration is not valid.
Symptoms: One or more of the following symptoms appears:
 InfoPath forms cannot be opened in a Web browser.
 Workflow forms cannot be opened in a Web browser.
 An error message appears when a form is loaded that states that the form cannot be rendered.
 This event appears in the event log: Event ID: 7898 Description: Microsoft SharePoint State Service is not configured correctly and cannot respond to requests. InfoPath Forms Services relies on Microsoft SharePoint State Service to function correctly. Check the SharePoint Maintenance Engine rules in SharePoint Central Administration for issues with Microsoft SharePoint State Service configuration.

Cause: The State Service, an InfoPath Forms Services dependency, is not configured correctly or is not associated with the Web application that hosts InfoPath forms.
Resolution: Create a State Service application by using Windows PowerShell
1. Verify that you meet the following minimum requirements: See Add-SPShellAdmin.
2. On the Start menu, click All Programs.
3. Click Microsoft SharePoint 2010 Products.
4. Click SharePoint 2010 Management Shell.
5. At the Windows PowerShell command prompt (PS C:\>), type the following command, and then press ENTER:

$serviceApp = New-SPStateServiceApplication -Name "State Service"
To create a State Service database and associate it with the service application, type the following command, and then press ENTER:
New-SPStateServiceDatabase -Name "StateServiceDatabase" -ServiceApplication $serviceApp
To create a State Service application proxy in the farm's default proxy group, and associate it with the service application, type the following command, and then press ENTER:
New-SPStateServiceApplicationProxy -Name "State Service" -ServiceApplication $serviceApp -DefaultProxyGroup
For more information, see New-SPStateServiceApplication (, New-SPStateServiceDatabase ( and New-SPStateServiceApplicationProxy (
Resolution: Associate a State Service proxy with the Web application

1. Verify that the user account that is performing this procedure is a member of the Farm Administrators group.
2. On the Central Administration Home page, click Application Management.
3. On the Application Management page, in the Service Applications section, click Manage Web Applications.
4. On the Manage Web Applications page, click the name of the Web application, and then click Service Connections.
5. Select the State Service Proxy check box.
If a State Service Proxy is not listed, create a State Service application, a State Service database, and a State Service proxy.
Resolution: Create a State Service application by using the Farm Configuration Wizard
1. Verify that the user account that is performing this procedure is a member of the Farm Administrators group.
2. On the Central Administration Home page, click Configuration Wizards.
3. On the Configuration Wizards page, click Launch the Farm Configuration Wizard.

4. Ensure that State Service check box is selected, and then finish the Farm Configuration Wizard. 

InfoPath Forms Services data adapter security error query -Event 6932 (SharePoint Server 2010)

Alert Name: InfoPath Forms Services data adapter security error query
Event ID: 6932
Summary: InfoPath Forms Services in Microsoft SharePoint Server 2010 form templates can contain connections to external data sources. An error can occur if the security settings are not configured to allow connections to data sources on different domains.
Symptoms: One or more of the following symptoms might appear:
 An error message stating that the form could not retrieve data from a data source.
 This event appears in the event log: Event ID: 6932 Description: The form could not retrieve data from <DataSource> because it would violate cross-domain restrictions. To allow this connection for administrator-approved form templates, enable full trust for the form template, or add the connection to a data connection library. For user form templates, cross-domain connections must be enabled in SharePoint Central Administration, and all connections must be in a data connection library. For more information, please see the security documentation for InfoPath Forms Services. (User: <UserName>, Form Name: <FormName>, Request: <http://servername/_layouts/Postback.Formserver.aspx>, Form ID: <FormID>, Type: <ExceptionType>, Exception Message: <ExceptionMessage>)

Cause: One or more of the following might be the cause:
 The form template security level is not set to full trust.
 The form template data connections are not defined in a data connection file.
 Cross-domain data 

Friday, October 4, 2013

Custom Search - Sharepoint 2013

        <div id="searchContentFiles">
            <sharepoint:ajaxdelta id="DeltaSearch" blockelement="true" runat="server">
             <SharePoint:DelegateControl runat="server" ControlId="SmallSearchInputBox" />
        <div id="peopleSearch">
            <input type="text" id="command" placeholder="people skills&hellip;" />
        <div id="locationsSearch">
            <input type="text" id="commandz" placeholder="location&hellip;" />
    <script type="text/javascript">
        $(document).ready(function () {
            $('#command').keydown(function (e) {

                if (e.which === 13) {
                    var value = $('#command').val();
                    if (value != "") {
                        window.location = document.location.href = "/Search/Pages/peopleresults.aspx?k=" + value;
                    } else {
                        window.location.href = "/sites/Test/";

                    return false;
            $('#commandz').keydown(function (e) {

                if (e.which === 13) {
                    var Locvalue = $('#commandz').val();
                    if (Locvalue != "") {

                        var FilterStar = "*" + Locvalue + "*";
                        window.location = document.location.href = "/sites/test/lotion/NewsForm?FilterName=Title&FilterMultiValue=" + FilterStar;
                    } else {
                        window.location.href = "/sites/test/";

                    return false;

