EntityList<CustomersItem> Customers = Ctx.GetList<CustomersItem>("Customers");
var CustomerItems = from Customer in Customers
select Customer;
foreach (var CustomerItem in CustomerItems)
Console.WriteLine(string.Format("Customer <{0}> aged <{1}> lives in <{2}> - <{3}>",
(CustomerItem.Title != null) ? CustomerItem.Title : "",
(CustomerItem.Age != null) ? CustomerItem.Age.ToString() : "-",
(CustomerItem.City != null && CustomerItem.City.Title != null) ? CustomerItem.City.Title : "",
(CustomerItem.City != null && CustomerItem.City.Country != null) ? CustomerItem.City.Country : "")
EntityList<CustomersItem> Customers = Ctx.GetList<CustomersItem>("Customers");
var CustomerItems = from Customer in Customers
where Customer.City.Title == "Los Angeles" && Customer.Age > 30
select Customer;
foreach (var CustomerItem in CustomerItems)
Console.WriteLine(string.Format("Customer <{0}> aged <{1}> lives in <{2}> - <{3}>",
(CustomerItem.Title != null) ? CustomerItem.Title : "",
(CustomerItem.Age != null) ? CustomerItem.Age.ToString() : "-",
(CustomerItem.City != null && CustomerItem.City.Title != null) ? CustomerItem.City.Title : "",
(CustomerItem.City != null && CustomerItem.City.Country != null) ? CustomerItem.City.Country : "")
IEnumerable<IGrouping<CitiesItem, CustomersItem>> CustomersByCity = Ctx.Customers.Where(c => c.Age < 35).GroupBy(c => c.City);
foreach (var CustomerCity in CustomersByCity)
CitiesItem CityGroup = CustomerCity.Key as CitiesItem;
Console.WriteLine(string.Format("Number of customers aged < 35 living in {0} is {1}",
CityGroup.Title, CustomerCity.Count()));
IEnumerable<IGrouping<CitiesItem, CustomersItem>> CustomersByCity = Ctx.Customers.Where(c => c.Age < 35).ToList().GroupBy(c => c.City);
foreach (var CustomerCity in CustomersByCity)
CitiesItem CityGroup = CustomerCity.Key as CitiesItem;
Console.WriteLine(string.Format("Number of customers aged < 35 living in {0} is {1}",
CityGroup.Title, CustomerCity.Count()));
EntityList<CustomersItem> Customers = Ctx.GetList<CustomersItem>("Customers");
EntityList<CitiesItem> Cities = Ctx.GetList<CitiesItem>("Cities");
EntityList<OrdersItem> Orders = Ctx.GetList<OrdersItem>("Orders");
var QueryResults = from Customer in Customers
join City in Cities on Customer.City.Id equals City.Id
join OrderItem in Orders on Customer.Id equals OrderItem.Customer.Id
select new { CityName = City.Title, City.Country, Customer.Title, OrderTitle = OrderItem.Title };
List<CustomersItem> Customers = Ctx.GetList<CustomersItem>("Customers").Where(c=>c.City!=null).ToList();
List<CitiesItem> Cities = Ctx.GetList<CitiesItem>("Cities").ToList();
List<OrdersItem> Orders = Ctx.GetList<OrdersItem>("Orders").Where(o => o.Customer != null).ToList();
var QueryResults = from Customer in Customers
join City in Cities on Customer.City.Id equals City.Id
join OrderItem in Orders on Customer.Id equals OrderItem.Customer.Id
select new { CityName = City.Title, City.Country, Customer.Title, OrderTitle = OrderItem.Title };
EntityList<CustomersItem> Customers = Ctx.GetList<CustomersItem>("Customers");
EntityList<CitiesItem> Cities = Ctx.GetList<CitiesItem>("Cities");
var QueryResults = from Customer in Customers
join City in Cities on Customer.City.Id equals City.Id
select new { CityName=City.Title, City.Country, Customer.Title };
var Results = QueryResults.ToList();
if (Results.Count > 0)
Results.ForEach(cc => Console.WriteLine("Customer <{0}> lives in <{1}> - <{2}>",
(cc.Title != null) ? cc.Title : "-",
(cc.CityName != null) ? cc.CityName : "-",
(cc.Country != null) ? cc.Country : "-"));
Console.WriteLine("No data found!");
SPList CustomerList = Web.Lists["Customers"];
SPQuery CustomerCityQuery = new SPQuery();
CustomerCityQuery.Joins =
"<Join Type='INNER' ListAlias='Cities'>" +
"<Eq>" +
"<FieldRef Name='City' RefType='Id' />" +
"<FieldRef List='Cities' Name='ID' />" +
"</Eq>" +
StringBuilder ProjectedFields = new StringBuilder();
ProjectedFields.Append("<Field Name='CityTitle' Type='Lookup' List='Cities' ShowField='Title' />");
ProjectedFields.Append("<Field Name='CityCountry' Type='Lookup' List='Cities' ShowField='Country' />");
CustomerCityQuery.ProjectedFields = ProjectedFields.ToString();
SPListItemCollection Results = CustomerList.GetItems(CustomerCityQuery);
foreach (SPListItem Result in Results)
SPFieldLookupValue CityTitle = new SPFieldLookupValue(Result["CityTitle"].ToString());
SPFieldLookupValue CityCountry = new SPFieldLookupValue(Result["CityCountry"].ToString());
Console.WriteLine(string.Format("Customer {0} lives in {1} - {2}",
SPList CustomerList = Web.Lists["Orders"];
SPQuery CustomerCityQuery = new SPQuery();
CustomerCityQuery.Joins =
"<Join Type='INNER' ListAlias='Customers'>" +
"<Eq>" +
"<FieldRef Name='Customer' RefType='Id' />" +
"<FieldRef List='Customers' Name='ID' />" +
"</Eq>" +
"</Join>" +
"<Join Type='INNER' ListAlias='Cities'>" +
"<Eq>" +
"<FieldRef List='Customers' Name='City' RefType='Id' />" +
"<FieldRef List='Cities' Name='ID' /> " +
"</Eq>" +
StringBuilder ProjectedFields = new StringBuilder();
ProjectedFields.Append("<Field Name='CityTitle' Type='Lookup' List='Cities' ShowField='Title' />");
ProjectedFields.Append("<Field Name='CityCountry' Type='Lookup' List='Cities' ShowField='Country' />");
ProjectedFields.Append("<Field Name='CustomerTitle' Type='Lookup' List='Customers' ShowField='Title' />");
ProjectedFields.Append("<Field Name='CustomerAge' Type='Lookup' List='Customers' ShowField='Age' />");
CustomerCityQuery.ProjectedFields = ProjectedFields.ToString();
SPListItemCollection Results = CustomerList.GetItems(CustomerCityQuery);
foreach (SPListItem Result in Results)
SPFieldLookupValue CityTitle =
new SPFieldLookupValue((Result["CityTitle"] != null) ? Result["CityTitle"].ToString() : "");
SPFieldLookupValue CityCountry =
new SPFieldLookupValue((Result["CityCountry"] != null) ? Result["CityCountry"].ToString() : "");
SPFieldLookupValue CustomerTitle =
new SPFieldLookupValue((Result["CustomerTitle"] != null) ? Result["CustomerTitle"].ToString() : "");
SPFieldLookupValue CustomerAge =
new SPFieldLookupValue((Result["CustomerAge"] != null) ? Result["CustomerAge"].ToString() : "");
Console.WriteLine(string.Format("Customer {0} living in {1} - {2} has ordered #{3}",
static void AddCustomer(string CustomerName)
EntityList<CustomersItem> Customers = Ctx.GetList<CustomersItem>("Customers");
CustomersItem NewCustomer = new CustomersItem();
NewCustomer.Title = CustomerName;
Console.WriteLine("Customer added");
catch (SPDuplicateValuesFoundException)
Console.WriteLine("The customer was not added because it would have created a duplicate entry");
catch (ChangeConflictException ConflictException)
Console.WriteLine("The customer was not added because a conflict occured:" + ConflictException.Message);
catch (Exception Ex)
Console.WriteLine("The customer was not added because the following error occured:" + Ex.Message);
EntityList<CustomersItem> Customers = Ctx.GetList<CustomersItem>("Customers");
for(int i=0;i<10;i++)
CustomersItem NewCustomer = new CustomersItem();
NewCustomer.Title = String.Format("Customer {0}",i.ToString());
Console.WriteLine("Customer added");
catch (SPDuplicateValuesFoundException)
Console.WriteLine("The customer was not added because it would have created a duplicate entry");
catch (ChangeConflictException ConflictException)
Console.WriteLine("The customer was not added because a conflict occured:" + ConflictException.Message);
catch (Exception Ex)
Console.WriteLine("The customer was not added because the following error occured:" + Ex.Message);
static void UpdateCustomer(int CustomerId, string CityName)
EntityList<CitiesItem> Cities = Ctx.GetList<CitiesItem>("Cities");
var CitiesItm = from City in Cities
where City.Title == CityName
select City;
CitiesItem CityItem = null;
foreach (var Cit in CitiesItm)
CityItem = Cit;
if (CityItem == null)
Console.WriteLine("City not found");
EntityList<CustomersItem> Customers = Ctx.GetList<CustomersItem>("Customers");
var CustomerItems = from Customer in Customers
where Customer.Id == CustomerId
select Customer;
List<CustomersItem> Results = CustomerItems.ToList();
if (Results.Count > 0)
Results.ForEach(CustomerItem => CustomerItem.City = CityItem);
Console.WriteLine("Customer {0} updated with City {1}!",
CustomerId.ToString(), CityName);
catch (ChangeConflictException ConflictException)
Console.WriteLine("The customer was not updated because a conflict occured:" + ConflictException.Message);
catch (Exception Ex)
Console.WriteLine("The customer was not updated because the following error occured:" + Ex.Message);
Console.WriteLine("Customer {0} not found!", CustomerId.ToString());
static void DeleteCustomer(int CustomerId)
EntityList<CustomersItem> Customers = Ctx.GetList<CustomersItem>("Customers");
var QueryResults = from Customer in Customers
where Customer.Id == CustomerId
select Customer;
List<CustomersItem> ReturnedCustomers = QueryResults.ToList();
if (ReturnedCustomers.Count > 0)
catch (ChangeConflictException ConflictException)
Console.WriteLine("The customers were not updated because a conflict occured:" + ConflictException.Message);
catch (Exception Ex)
Console.WriteLine("The customers were not updated because the following error occured:" + Ex.Message);
Console.WriteLine("Customer {0} not found", CustomerId.ToString());
static void UpdateAllCustomers(string CityName)
EntityList<CitiesItem> Cities = Ctx.GetList<CitiesItem>("Cities");
var CitiesItm = from City in Cities
where City.Title == CityName
select City;
CitiesItem CityItem = null;
foreach (var Cit in CitiesItm)
CityItem = Cit;
if (CityItem == null)
Console.WriteLine("City not found");
EntityList<CustomersItem> Customers = Ctx.GetList<CustomersItem>("Customers");
var CustomerItems = from Customer in Customers
select Customer;
List<CustomersItem> Results = CustomerItems.ToList();
if (Results.Count > 0)
Results.ForEach(CustomerItem => CustomerItem.City = CityItem);
Console.WriteLine("All the customer were updated with City {0}!",
catch (ChangeConflictException ConflictException)
Console.WriteLine("The customers were not updated because a conflict occured:" + ConflictException.Message);
catch (Exception Ex)
Console.WriteLine("The customers were not updated because the following error occured:" + Ex.Message);
Console.WriteLine("No customer currently exist");
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