public class GroupHelper
public GroupHelper()
private string _GroupName, _LoginGroupTypeID;
public static string LoginUSername
SPSite spSite; SPWeb spWeb;
using (spSite = new SPSite(SPContext.Current.Site.Url))
using (spWeb = spSite.OpenWeb())
SPUser sUser = spWeb.CurrentUser;
//string str = sUser.Name + sUser.LoginName + sUser.Email + sUser.Groups.Count;
return sUser.LoginName;
public static string DisplayName
SPSite spSite; SPWeb spWeb;
using (spSite = new SPSite(SPContext.Current.Site.Url))
using (spWeb = spSite.OpenWeb())
SPUser sUser = spWeb.CurrentUser;
//string str = sUser.Name + sUser.LoginName + sUser.Email + sUser.Groups.Count;
return sUser.Name;
public static string USername
SPSite spSite; SPWeb spWeb;
using (spSite = new SPSite(SPContext.Current.Site.Url))
using (spWeb = spSite.OpenWeb())
SPUser sUser = spWeb.CurrentUser;
string str = sUser.Name + sUser.LoginName + sUser.Email + sUser.Groups.Count;
string[] name = sUser.Name.Split('\\');
if (name.Count() != 1)
return name[1].ToString();
return sUser.Name;
ArrayList _GroupList;
public ArrayList GroupList
get { return _GroupList; }
set { _GroupList = value; }
public string LoginGroupTypeID
get { return _LoginGroupTypeID; }
set { _LoginGroupTypeID = value; }
public string GroupName
get { return _GroupName; }
set { _GroupName = value; }
private string _ApproverGroupname;
public string ApproverGroupname
get { return _ApproverGroupname; }
set { _ApproverGroupname = value; }
public string GetCurrentUserGroup()
SPSite spSite; SPWeb spWeb;
using (spSite = new SPSite(SPContext.Current.Site.Url))
using (spWeb = spSite.OpenWeb())
SPUser sUser = spWeb.CurrentUser;
GroupList = new ArrayList();
string str = sUser.Name + sUser.LoginName + sUser.Email + sUser.Groups.Count;
foreach (SPGroup grp in sUser.Groups)
GroupName = grp.Name;
return GroupName;
public static string GetFullName(string strLogin)
string str = "";
string strDomain;
string strName;
// Parse the string to check if domain name is present.
int idx = strLogin.IndexOf('\\');
if (idx == -1)
idx = strLogin.IndexOf('@');
if (idx != -1)
strDomain = strLogin.Substring(0, idx);
strName = strLogin.Substring(idx + 1);
strDomain = Environment.MachineName;
strName = strLogin;
DirectoryEntry obDirEntry = null;
obDirEntry = new DirectoryEntry("WinNT://" + strDomain + "/" + strName);
System.DirectoryServices.PropertyCollection coll = obDirEntry.Properties;
object obVal = coll["Display name"].Value;
str = obVal.ToString();
catch (Exception ex)
str = ex.Message;
return str;
public static string GetCompleteName(string loginname)
string RequestorFullName = string.Empty; ;
// string[] name = loginname.Split('\\');
// if (name.Count() != 1)
// {
// DirectoryEntry de = new DirectoryEntry("WinNT://" + name[0] + "/" + name[1]);
// return de.Properties["fullName"].Value.ToString();
// }
// else
// {
// return name.ToString();
// }
// catch { return null; }
SPSite spSite; SPWeb spWeb;
using (spSite = new SPSite(SPContext.Current.Site.Url))
using (spWeb = spSite.OpenWeb())
SPUserCollection us = spWeb.SiteUsers;
foreach (SPUser item in us)
if (loginname == item.LoginName)
RequestorFullName = item.Name;
return null;
return RequestorFullName;
public string GetRequestoreApproverGroup(string Groupname)
SPSite spSite; SPWeb spWeb; SPList spList;
using (spSite = new SPSite(SPContext.Current.Site.Url))
using (spWeb = spSite.OpenWeb())
spList = spWeb.Lists["DET_MappingGroup"];
var query = from SPListItem pi in spList.Items
where (pi["RequestorGroup"].ToString() == Groupname.ToString())
select pi["ApprovarGroup"];
if (query != null)
if (query.Count() > 0)
ApproverGroupname = query.Single().ToString();
return ApproverGroupname;
public string GetCurrentUserLoginGroup(string Groupname)
SPSite spSite; SPWeb spWeb; SPList spList;
using (spSite = new SPSite(SPContext.Current.Site.Url))
using (spWeb = spSite.OpenWeb())
spList = spWeb.Lists["DET_Semi Group"];
var query = from SPListItem pi in spList.Items
where (pi["GroupName"].ToString() == Groupname.ToString())
select pi;
if (query != null)
if (query.Count() > 0)
foreach (var item in query)
LoginGroupTypeID = item["GroupTypeID"].ToString();
GroupName = item["GroupName"].ToString();
return LoginGroupTypeID;
public bool IsApprover(string groupname, int workorderrowid, bool IsExit)
SPSite spSite; SPWeb spWeb; SPList spList;
using (spSite = new SPSite(SPContext.Current.Site.Url))
using (spWeb = spSite.OpenWeb())
spList = spWeb.Lists["DET_WorkOrders"];
var query = from SPListItem pi in spList.Items
where pi.ID.ToString() == workorderrowid.ToString()
select pi["ApproverGroup"];
if (query != null)
if (query.Count() > 0)
ApproverGroupname = query.Single().ToString();
if (groupname == ApproverGroupname)
IsExit = true;
return IsExit;
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