step : Save below script .Ps1 and run with powershell
step 2:Save .bat file under script and run with administrator
if ((Get-PSSnapin
"Microsoft.SharePoint.PowerShell" -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue)
-eq $null)
#Change to your web application
$WebAppURL = "http://win-2016"
#Get Web Application
$WebApp = Get-SPWebApplication $WebAppURL
#variable for data collection
$ReportPath ="C:\ADGroups.csv"
foreach ($Site
in $WebApp.Sites)
Write-host -foregroundcolor green
"Processing Site Collection: "$site.RootWeb.URL
foreach($web in $Site.AllWebs)
foreach($List in $Web.lists)
all AD Security Groups from the site collection
= Get-SPUser
-Web $List.ParentWeb.Url
| Where { $_.IsDomainGroup
-and $_.displayName -ne
"Everyone" }
$url = $List.ParentWeb.Url+"/"+$List.Title
through each AD Group
foreach($Group in $ADGroups)
"Found AD Group:" $Group.DisplayName
Direct Permissions
= $Group.Roles | Where { $_.Name -ne "Limited Access" } | Select -ExpandProperty Name
SharePoint User Groups where the AD group is member of.
= $Group.Groups | Select -ExpandProperty
Data to an object array
= new-object
| add-member
noteproperty -name
"Site Collection" -value $Site.RootWeb.Url
| add-member
noteproperty -name
"URL" -value
| add-member
noteproperty -name
"Group Name" -value $Group.DisplayName
| add-member
noteproperty -name
"Direct Permissions" -value ($Permissions
-join ",")
| add-member
noteproperty -name
"SharePoint Groups" -value ($SiteGroups
-join ",")
to Array
#Export Data
to CSV
| export-csv
$ReportPath -notypeinformation
Write-host "SharePoint Security Groups data exported to a CSV
file at:"$ReportPath -ForegroundColor Cyan
cd /d %~dp0
powershell -noexit -file "AdGroupReport.PS1" "%CD%"