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Tuesday, March 26, 2013

SharePoint 2010/2013 Search Incremental crawl vs Full crawl

  • Incremental crawl covers the following scenarios, where SharePoint index files will be updated and search results will affected without the need to perform full crawl:
    • Adding new document to document library or new item to list
    • Edit current document content
    • Delete document (incremental crawl will detect the deletion and removes it from the index and from search results).
    • Changing Item permissions.
    • Document properties (columns)
Note1: a full crawl should be done at least once before performing incremental crawl.
Note2: the above scenarios are covered for crawled content within SharePoint 2010/2013 farm, (not file shares , exchange public folders, custom connectors , etc… for those scenarios incremental crawl behavior might differ).

  • Full Crawl includes the following scenarios :
    • If the incremental crawl failed to crawl content for errors , Incremental crawl removes the content from index  until next full crawl.
    • When a software update for SharePoint or service pack is installed on servers in the farm, full crawl is required.
    • Add a new mapping for the Managed Metadata property which used as refinements in search results. (e.g. add new filter in search center for documents to refine results by division ).
    • To include document changes on a non SharePoint 2013 sites or older versions of SharePoint, like ASPX pages on Windows SharePoint Services 3.0 or Microsoft Office SharePoint Server 2007 sites.
    • You want to detect security changes that were made on a file share after the last full crawl of the file share.
    • Crawl rules have been added, deleted, or modified which is used to include or exclude sites URLs to be crawled.
    • Creating  server name mappings.

TreeView - helper

protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
        ArrayList aList = new ArrayList();
        ArrayList aList1 = new ArrayList();
        ArrayList aList2 = new ArrayList();
        ArrayList aList3 = new ArrayList();
        ArrayList aList4 = new ArrayList();
        ArrayList aList5 = new ArrayList();
        aList.Add("Additional Documents/test/doc3.docx");
        aList.Add("Additional Documents/test/doc3.docx");
        aList.Add("Additional Documents/test/test1/test1123.docx");
        aList.Add("Additional Documents/test/test1/test134.docx");
        aList.Add("Additional Documents/test/test1/test156.docx");
        aList.Add("Additional Documents/Apple/Cat/three/Four/Fourdoc1.docx");
        aList.Add("Additional Documents/Apple/Cat/three/Four/Fourss.docx");
        aList.Add("Additional Documents/Apple/Ball/balloc1.docx");
        aList.Add("Additional Documents/Apple/Ball/balldoc1.docx");
        aList.Add("Additional Documents/Apple/Ball/I/i.docx");
        aList.Add("Additional Documents/Apple/Ball/I/ii.docx");
        aList.Add("Additional Documents/Apple/Ball/I1/jj.docx");
        aList.Add("Additional Documents/Apple/Ball/I2/kk.docx");
        aList.Add("Additional Documents/Apple/Ball/I3/ll.docx");
        aList.Add("Additional Documents/Apple/Ball/I4/MM.docx");
        aList.Add("Additional Documents/1/2/3/4/444.docx");
        aList.Add("Additional Documents/1/2/3/4/5644.docx");
        aList.Add("Additional Documents/test/test1/a2.docx");
        aList.Add("Additional Documents/Apple/Two/Twooc1.docx");
        aList.Add("Additional Documents/test/fff.docx");
        aList.Add("Additional Documents/test/intest/abc.docx");
        aList.Add("Additional Documents/test/intest1/aaa.docx");
        aList.Add("Additional Documents/test/test1/a1.docx");
        aList.Add("Additional Documents/test/test1/a3.docx");
        aList.Add("Additional Documents/test/test1/T/b1.docx");
        aList.Add("Additional Documents/test/test1/T/b2.docx");
        aList.Add("Additional Documents/test/test1/TT/bb3.docx");
        aList.Add("Additional Documents/test/test1/test2/test3/test4/vvvooSiste.docx");
        aList.Add("Additional Documents/test/test1/test2/test3/test4/sdsds.docx");
        aList.Add("Additional Documents/test/test1/test2/test3/33.docx");
        aList.Add("Additional Documents/test/test1/test2/test3/t5.docx");
        #region add level sorting
        foreach (var item in aList)
            string[] List = item.ToString().Split('/'); string RootValuePath = string.Empty;
             List = Array.FindAll(List, val => val != List[0]).ToArray();
             if (List.Length-1>=5)
                 foreach (var itemx in List.Take(6))
                     RootValuePath += itemx.ToString() + "/";
             if (List.Length-1 == 4)
                 foreach (var itemx in List.Take(5))
                     RootValuePath += itemx.ToString() + "/";
             if (List.Length - 1 == 3)
                 foreach (var itemx in List.Take(4))
                     RootValuePath += itemx.ToString() + "/";
             if (List.Length - 1 == 2)
                 foreach (var itemx in List.Take(3))
                     RootValuePath += itemx.ToString() + "/";
        #region Firth Level
        foreach (var item in aList5)
             string[] List = item.ToString().Split('/'); string RootValuePath = string.Empty;
            #region >fifth level          
            if (List.Length>= 5)
                foreach (var itemx in List.Take(5))
                    RootValuePath += itemx.ToString() + "/";
                TreeNode findNode = treeView.FindNode(RootValuePath.TrimEnd('/'));
                if (findNode == null)
                    for (int i = 0; i < List.Length; i++)
                        if (!IsNodeExit(treeView, List[i].ToString()))
                            if (i == 0)
                                treeView.Nodes.Add(new TreeNode(List[i].ToString()));
                            if (i == 1)
                                treeView.FindNode(List[0].ToString()).ChildNodes.Add(new TreeNode(List[i].ToString()));
                            if (i == 2)
                                treeView.FindNode(List[0].ToString() + "/" + List[1].ToString()).ChildNodes.Add(new TreeNode(List[i].ToString()));
                            if (i == 3)
                                treeView.FindNode(List[0].ToString() + "/" + List[1].ToString() + "/" + List[2].ToString()).ChildNodes.Add(new TreeNode(List[i].ToString()));
                            if (i == 4)
                                treeView.FindNode(List[0].ToString() + "/" + List[1].ToString() + "/" + List[2].ToString() + "/" + List[3].ToString()).ChildNodes.Add(new TreeNode(List[i].ToString()));
                            if (i == 5)
                                treeView.FindNode(List[0].ToString() + "/" + List[1].ToString() + "/" + List[2].ToString() + "/" + List[3].ToString() + "/" + List[4].ToString()).ChildNodes.Add(new TreeNode(List[i].ToString()));
                    treeView.FindNode(List[0].ToString() + "/" + List[1].ToString() + "/" + List[2].ToString() + "/" + List[3].ToString() + "/" + List[4].ToString()).ChildNodes.Add(new TreeNode(List[5].ToString()));
        #region 4th level
        foreach (var item in aList4)
            string[] List = item.ToString().Split('/'); string RootValuePath = string.Empty;
            foreach (var itemx in List.Take(4))
                RootValuePath += itemx.ToString() + "/";
            if (!IsNodeExit(treeView, RootValuePath.TrimEnd('/')))
                if (!IsNodeExit(treeView, List[0].ToString()))
                    treeView.Nodes.Add(new TreeNode(List[0].ToString()));
                if (!IsNodeExit(treeView, List[0].ToString() + "/" + List[1].ToString()))
                    treeView.FindNode(List[0].ToString()).ChildNodes.Add(new TreeNode(List[1].ToString()));
                if (!IsNodeExit(treeView, List[0].ToString() + "/" + List[1].ToString() + "/" + List[2].ToString()))
                    treeView.FindNode(List[0].ToString() + "/" + List[1].ToString()).ChildNodes.Add(new TreeNode(List[2].ToString()));
                if (!IsNodeExit(treeView, List[0].ToString() + "/" + List[1].ToString() + "/" + List[2].ToString() + "/" + List[2].ToString()))
                    treeView.FindNode(List[0].ToString() + "/" + List[1].ToString() + "/" + List[2].ToString()).ChildNodes.Add(new TreeNode(List[3].ToString()));
                if (!IsNodeExit(treeView, List[0].ToString() + "/" + List[1].ToString() + "/" + List[2].ToString() + "/" + List[2].ToString()))
                    treeView.FindNode(List[0].ToString() + "/" + List[1].ToString() + "/" + List[2].ToString() + "/" + List[3].ToString()).ChildNodes.Add(new TreeNode(List[4].ToString()));
                treeView.FindNode(RootValuePath.TrimEnd('/')).ChildNodes.Add(new TreeNode(List[4].ToString()));
        #region 3 level
        foreach (var item in aList3)
            string[] List = item.ToString().Split('/'); string RootValuePath = string.Empty;
            foreach (var itemx in List.Take(3))
                RootValuePath += itemx.ToString() + "/";
            if (!IsNodeExit(treeView, RootValuePath.TrimEnd('/')))
                if (!IsNodeExit(treeView, List[0].ToString()))
                    treeView.Nodes.Add(new TreeNode(List[0].ToString()));
                if (!IsNodeExit(treeView, List[0].ToString()+"/"+List[1].ToString()))
                    treeView.FindNode(List[0].ToString()).ChildNodes.Add(new TreeNode(List[1].ToString()));
                if (!IsNodeExit(treeView, List[0].ToString() + "/" + List[1].ToString() + "/" + List[2].ToString()))
                    treeView.FindNode(List[0].ToString() + "/" + List[1].ToString()).ChildNodes.Add(new TreeNode(List[2].ToString()));
                if (!IsNodeExit(treeView, List[0].ToString() + "/" + List[1].ToString() + "/" + List[2].ToString() +"/" + List[2].ToString()))
                    treeView.FindNode(List[0].ToString() + "/" + List[1].ToString() + "/" + List[2].ToString()).ChildNodes.Add(new TreeNode(List[3].ToString()));
                treeView.FindNode(RootValuePath.TrimEnd('/')).ChildNodes.Add(new TreeNode(List[3].ToString()));
        #region 2 level
        foreach (var item in aList2)
            string[] List = item.ToString().Split('/'); string RootValuePath = string.Empty;
            foreach (var itemx in List.Take(2))
                RootValuePath += itemx.ToString() + "/";
            if (!IsNodeExit(treeView, RootValuePath.TrimEnd('/')))
                if (!IsNodeExit(treeView, List[0].ToString()))
                    treeView.Nodes.Add(new TreeNode(List[0].ToString()));
                if (!IsNodeExit(treeView, List[0].ToString() + "/" + List[1].ToString()))
                    treeView.FindNode(List[0].ToString()).ChildNodes.Add(new TreeNode(List[1].ToString()));
                if (!IsNodeExit(treeView, List[0].ToString() + "/" + List[1].ToString() + "/" + List[2].ToString()))
                    treeView.FindNode(List[0].ToString() + "/" + List[1].ToString()).ChildNodes.Add(new TreeNode(List[2].ToString()));
                treeView.FindNode(RootValuePath.TrimEnd('/')).ChildNodes.Add(new TreeNode(List[2].ToString()));
       // SortTreeNodes(treeView.Nodes);
        treeView.ShowLines = true;
    public bool IsNodeExit(TreeView trview, string text)
        TreeNode node = treeView.FindNode(Server.HtmlEncode(text));
        if (node != null)
            return true;
            return false;
    private void sort(TreeNode node)
        foreach (TreeNode n in node.ChildNodes)
            TreeNode temp = null;
            List<TreeNode> childs = new List<TreeNode>();
            while (node.ChildNodes.Count > 0)
                foreach (TreeNode n in node.ChildNodes)
                    if (temp == null || n.Text[0] < temp.Text[0])
                        temp = n;
                temp = null;
            foreach (TreeNode a in childs)
        catch { }
    private void SortTreeNodes(TreeNodeCollection treeNodes)
        var sorted = true;
        foreach (TreeNode treeNode in treeNodes)
            sorted = true;
            for (var i = 0; i < treeNodes.Count - 1; i++)
                var treeNode1 = treeNodes[i];
                var treeNode2 = treeNodes[i + 1];
                if (treeNode1.Text.CompareTo(treeNode2.Text) > 0)
                    treeNodes.RemoveAt(i + 1);
                    treeNodes.AddAt(i, treeNode2);
                    treeNodes.AddAt(i + 1, treeNode1);
        } while (!sorted);

Monday, March 25, 2013

Custom List Definition-2010

  SPList list = null;
  using (SPSite site = new SPSite("http://yoursite/"))
     using (SPWeb web = site.RootWeb)
      //List Will be Created Based on this ListDefinition
- OOB Custom List Definition

        foreach (SPList _list in web.Lists)
          if (_list.Title.Equals("TestList"))
              list = _list;

        if (list == null)
         web.AllowUnsafeUpdates = true;
         Guid listID = web.Lists.Add("TestList", //List Title
                      "This is Test List",      //List Description
                      "Lists/TestList",         //List Url
                      "00BFEA71-DE22-43B2-A848-C05709900100", //Feature Id of List definition Provisioning Feature – CustomList Feature Id
                       10778,                     //List Template Type
                     "101");      //Document Template Type .. 101 is for None

           web.AllowUnsafeUpdates = false;


    catch (Exception ex)
